In 2022, United Way challenged the community to
Join us as we celebrate our 100th year and each of you stepping up to Be The One.
On Wednesday, March 29th, we will learn about our impact on the community, take a look back at the past 100 years while also looking ahead.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
3:30pm – 5:00pm – Annual Meeting
5:00pm – Celebrity Bartender
Firefighters Postal Lake Club, 940 W Lake Shore Dr, Springfield, IL 62712
Sponsored Table (seating for 8) – $350*
Table of 8 seats and appetizers
Priority Seating
Recognition on-screen at the event
Recognition in the event program and signage
(Reservation must be reserved prior to 5:00 p.m. on March 24, 2023.)
Individual Registration (open seating) – $40 per person*
Includes appetizers and seat
R.S.V.P. by March 24, 2022 to Sara Trine at strine@uwcil.org or call, 217.726.7000
Provide with your R.S.V.P.
Company name and address
Name and attendee(s)
Contact name, phone, email and address
*Cancellations received after March 24th are not eligible for refunds.