Workplace Campaign Page - Memorial Health

Memorial Health


Thank you for participating in the Memorial Health annual United Way Campaign! We value your partnership and your generosity. Companies like yours are vital to United Way's impact on Central Illinois. Your decision to contribute a portion of your paycheck makes a meaningful difference in our community. Your donation creates youth opportunities, promotes healthy communities, and creates financial stability for families in our community.

Questions? Call 217.726.7000 or contact our Director of Strategic Partnerships here.

Workplace Pledge Card - Memorial Health

Your Information
Your Name
Your Contact Information
Donation Method
Payroll Deduction
Check Donation
Make checks payable to United Way of Central Illinois. Please give the check to your Campaign Coordinator within 24 hours of this pledge.
Cash Donation
Please give your cash donation to your Campaign Coordinator within 24 hours of this pledge.
Credit Card Donation
After completing this form you will be redirected to our payment page where you will be able to complete your donation details and process your transaction in a secured environment.  Thank you!
Total Annual Contribution
Donation Details
United Way processes donor-directed contributions as a service to our donors. United Way if unable to guarantee how funds will be used or ensure measurable results by the recipient agency • If the designation agency is not easily identified by the information provided, is not a registered 501(c)(3), does not certify as Patriot Act compliant, is no longer in operation, and/or does not cash any checks within one year, your gift will go to where it is needed most in our local community. • If less than 100% of your total gift above is selected, the balance will be invested in United Way programs.
My signature below, confirms my pledge as stated above.

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